Scott Dingwall
Plant 1 - Guelph, ON
Office: 519.824.3710
Cell: 519.993.6886
Jovica Gazibaric
CNC Plant 1- Manager
Plant 1 - Guelph, ON
Office: 519.824.3710
Cell: 519.498.3936
Lance Baird
FAB Plant 2 – Manager
Plant 2 - Fergus, ON
Office: 519.843.3716
Cell: 519.994.2500
Mike Crocco ( CPCSC )
Senior Management Consultant
Canada & United States
Office: 519.824.3710
Cell: 705.471.5725
Shane Jones
FAB Plant 2 – Weld Supervisor
Plant 2 – Fergus, ON
Office: 519.843.3716
Cell: 519.767.8775
Trevor Wilkinson
Custom Machining - Manager
Plant 1 - Guelph, ON
Office: 519.824.3710
Robert Billings
Production Planning
Plant 1 - Guelph, ON
Office: 519.824.3710
Cell: 519.546.4820
Sandra Nabney
Plant 1 - Guelph, ON
Office: 519.824.3710
Adam Dingwall
Company Engineer
Plant 1 – Guelph, ON
Office: 519.824.3710
Cell: 519.994.4500
Fill out the form below to get in touch.